Monday, February 9, 2009

Why is RMI valuable?

How's everyone doing? This is the third installment of the ever more popular "Mike Talkin" and probably the best one yet. The topic today is a good one: why is risk management and insurance valuable? I know what you're thinking...didn't risk management cause the AIG meltdown? No, that was bad risk management or risk mismanagement as I like to say.

Risk management is the process of settling on a level of risk aversion/tolerance, then identifying and measuring the risks, and then by protecting oneself with insurance or other means. The simple answer is that risk management is valuable because it protects a company from large losses. A couple of ways that effective risk management can benefit a firm are by reducing the number of on-the-job accidents and most importantly, minimizing legal liability. By understanding your risks, a company can implement procedures such as safer working conditions as one example. Lawsuits can be devastating to small companies and having a good protocol in place can minimize the number of accidents. Furthermore, your employees will be more efficient if they feel they are in a safe workplace.

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